• Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices | Fourth Edition

Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices | Fourth Edition

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789390113866
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 975
  • LANGUAGE: English

Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices | Fourth Edition

Rs. 500.00

Publisher :MCGRAW-HILL
  • Reference Books
  • English
  • 975 PAGES

Principles of electronic materials and devices represents a first course in electronic materials and devices for undergraduate students. This book is one of the few books on the market that have a broad coverage of electronic materials that today’s scientists and engineers need. The General treatment of the textbook and various proofs leverages at a semi Quantitative level without going into detailed Physics. The fourth edition is an extensively revised and extended version of its previous edition based on the developments in electronic and optoelectronic materials over the last ten years. This revised edition has many new and expanded topics, new worked examples, new illustrations, and new homework problems. Highlights: 1. Principles are developed with the minimum of Mathematics and with the emphasis on physical ideas. 2. Concepts followed by examples to aid learning. 3. Numerous worked examples, most of which have a practical significance. 4. Graded end-of-chapter questions and problems to enable students to start with easy concepts and eventually lead to more sophisticated concepts.

Principles of electronic materials and devices represents a first course in electronic materials and devices for undergraduate students. This book is one of the few books on the market that have a broad coverage of electronic materials that today’s scientists and
eers need. The General treatment of the textbook and various proofs leverages at a semi Quantitative level without going into detailed Physics. The fourth edition is an extensively revised and extended version of its previous edition based on the developments in electronic and optoelectronic materials over the last ten years. This revised edition has many new and expanded topics, new worked examples, new illustrations, and new homework problems. Highlights: 1. Principles are developed with the minimum of Mathematics and with the emphasis on physical ideas. 2. Concepts followed by examples to aid learning. 3. Numerous worked examples, most of which have a practical significance. 4. Graded end-of-chapter questions and problems to enable students to start with easy concepts and eventually lead to more sophisticated
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789390113866
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13: 9789390113866
  • PAGES: 975
  • LANGUAGE: English

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